A small team with big dreams.

We all feel helpless when trying to solve problems on our own. That’s why we created WeSolve: to try and solve them together.

About us

How did WeSolve start? The answer lies in the situation that prevails around us. It created it. A mentality to approach everything theoretically, staying in 'what' and not in 'how' we will do something. This need for a body submitting to the proposal of tangible, feasible, measurable and realistic solutions, led to the creation of WeSolve. So we started by focusing on each student, relying on their vision to change the world, while reminding that the highest price for a student is just that their status. So we would like to change mentalities, situations, problems. All together WeSolve!

Why WeSolve?

WeSolve's goal is to identify the problems that affect Greek society, starting from Greek universities, and finding practical solutions through consultation procedures as well as the implementing those solutions. In other words, our goal is our name: WeSolve = Together We Solve (whatever goes back and spoils our daily lives)

We couldn't do this without the help of our sponsors: